Custom Domain Error

I have followed the video to create a custom domain but I am having a DNS error when activate

This is my cloudflare.

DNS error when Activate

Please advise what I did wrong.

Still no answer after 3 days?

Follow these steps and try again:

For target use

Slavko Belic

Done. Same error in red box.

Is there a A Record I need to add?

Please advise again.


Can you try to add on ‘name’ empty or dot (.), also can you try with subdomain?

Slavko Belic

Mate, there is no tracker in the world where you can follow click with root domain.
so that you manage tracking you will set in cloudflare something like:

and in qliker you will in domain name write not your domain name, you will put
it MUST be subdomain, not root domain

Hello @hfcartel,

You can use root domain, but in type you need to select ‘Redirect’ and paste code from popup in your htaccess file.

check our video