[FIXED] - After adding a domain to a rotators , getting 404 error on the browser page


I am new to Qliker and I have created a rotator and added my domain by clicking on Add URL, upon successfully adding the domain i am unable to get my domain page with the rotator name.
below are the steps that i did to invoke my domain page.

clicked on rotator
2)clicked on the preview button.

after second step a new tab is opened and with error code as 404.

Can some one suggest me if i did anything wrong.

When i click on the direct link after adding domain , I can able to see my domain

not sure why i am unable to get my domain name with my rotatorname

ex :http://qltrk.com/rotatorname/number (this is the Direct link after adding Domain)
if i go with only the http://qltrk.com/rotatorname then i am unable to see my domain page

Hi @Raju thanks for bug report.

Bug is fixed, check again.

I am getting other error while opening as mentioned in the screenshot, let me know if you need more information to resolve this issue…

When i check it is going to backup URL …I have my Website in the Funnel, Even i have some thing in my Funnel Rotator it is moving to backup…

Not loading the URL added under the rotator

Clear cookies and try again. Thanks for report

resolved Thank You…

Still getting the same error

Raju, please check again?