Inbound rotator doesnt trigger the URL

hi, i have my inbound rotator setup with 1 URL but it doesnt trigger the URL anymore
it used to work, this problem started last Sunday around (around sept 7)
inbound rotator : mode = sequential
1 URL in the rotator
it is my landing page
i did a preview of my inbound rotator link:
it falls through everything and get to the bottom of the last rotator and display Qlker (backup link)
even the last backup link : I put Qliker affilate link - it is not displaying the affiliate page either

can you help please ?

hi, i did some additional testing
I have added a new rotator and with the same settings
it manages to bring up the landing page URL as desired ( I click the preview of the rotator URL)
however, it fails right away after the 2nd click.
I click again, it does not bring up the landing page, it brings up the Qliker dashboard
please help !

Hi scheungyyz,

  1. as seen from your stats for “Inbound Rotator” aprox… 95%+ of all clicks goes to your “Landing Page” link in rotator

  2. I advise you to turn ON filters for that rotator (all of them)