Where to find a link pub. stats (view/copy)

Where to find Public Stats

You can view or copy your public stats link by:

  1. Clicking ‘Links’.
  2. Click the hamburger button of the link name.
  3. Click ‘Public Stats Link’ and choose whether you want to view or copy the public stats link.

If you click on the view option, it will open a new window and lets you see the public statistics of your tracking link.

Here you can find your public stats link and your tracking link. You can also view the stats that your tracking link received from your visitors.

  1. TCL(Total Clicks) - these are the total number of visits/clicks your tracking link received.
  2. UCL(Unique Clicks) - the total unique visits to your link.
  3. FCL (Flagged Clicks) - clicks that are considered fake or bot clicks.
  4. BCL (Blocked Clicks) - clicks you blocked or filtered out from your set up.
  5. ACT (Action) - this shows the leads or the ones that opt-in from your link.
  6. ACR ( Action Conversion Rate) - shows the action in percentage form. You can calculate this by dividing the number of actions by the unique clicks you received.
  7. ENG (Engagement) - shows the number of engagements.
  8. ECR (Engagement Conversion Rate) - shows the engagements in percentage form. You can get this by dividing the number of engagements by the unique clicks you received.

Modifying Public Stats

You can also modify the data you want to show in your public stats to fit your preference.

  1. Go to User ‘Profile’.
  2. Go to ‘Public Stats’ Tab.
  3. Choose the data you want to show as your public stats.

Here are some additional data you can choose:

  1. USL (Unique Sales) - Shows the Unique sales from Customers.
  2. USCR (Unique Sale Conversion Rate) - The percentage of the unique sales.
  3. RSL (Raw Sales) - Raw sales from customers.
  4. RSCR (Raw Sales COnversion Rate) - Shows the percentage of the raw sales.
  5. CPC (Cost PEr Click) - This shows how much you pay per click.
  6. CPA (Cost Per Action) - This shows how much you spend per Action.
  7. CPS (Cost Per Sale) - This shows how much each unique sale costs.
  8. EPC (Earnings Per Click) - This shows how much you earn per unique click.
  9. ROI (Return of Investment) - This is the computation of your revenue divided by how much you spent on the clicks.
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