Wrong Date issues for stats - [FIXED]

I am noticing that I have to select the day AFTER the current date to get up to date stats readings on both the public stats and my rotator stats, for example today is the 10th and with the 10th selected i show 0 clicks, I have to select the 11th to show my stats… This is with my account set on the EST timezone.

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Same here, I’m getting the same bug!


Any update on this? :slight_smile:

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Please give us 1 link to your pub stats. thank you!

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Here is an example pub stats I just made… Note today is Aug 14th in EST, but when selecting today’s date, or selecting all time it reads 0 clicks, but select tomorrows date, the 15th and it shows my 1 test clicks.


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Check Default Time zone in popover http://nimb.ws/dMVwEC, when I select 14th I have 1 test clicks http://nimb.ws/fh8sLr

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When I select the 14th it showes o test clicks… Default timezone set to eastern -5:00
I have to select the 15th to get the test click to show…

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When can we expect this issue to be corrected?

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My apologies but we have MANY issues on our plate currently so we do them priority based.

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Fixed in last update

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